and join the Modern Rolodex
For Freelancers
For Clients

Receive Consistent Client Referrals From Your


More business, brought to you.

Receive consistent referrals from each rolodex you are listed in. Whether it's a previous client, ex-colleague or your best friend, anyone who recommends you for your services can add you to their rolodex. This allows their network to instantly access your profile and immediately contact you for work.  

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Never work with a random stranger again.

Say goodbye to submitting bids, paying for connects, searching through endless job postings and working with unreliable strangers online. With Meego, every new client lead is generated from someone you already know and trust. Ensuring you receive consistent and qualified leads.  

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NO TRANSACTION FEES, bids, or paying for connects 

Keep the money that you've earned and deserve.

Since our Founder was a freelancer herself, we understand the frustration of having to pay a middleman with your hard earned money. With our intuitive lead generation solution, you'll never be charged a transaction fee or have to pay to boost your resume for a chance to win a job.

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show your gratitude for reliable client leads

Automate and organize your referral kickbacks.

Every user that adds you to their recommended rolodex will receive an agreed upon referral kickback for new business that is generated through their rolodex. Whether you offer a discount on future services or pay directly with money, Meego will automate and keep track of all the referrals you receive.

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referral partners

Team up with freelancers who offer complementary services.

Find other freelancers that refer your services through your connected network. Referral Partners can collaborate on a project, refer each other’s services, and list each other in their digital rolodex.

Join the Waitlist

Boost exposure to your network and your network’s network.

View your connected network’s status updates, latest recommendations, and project collaborations.  Instantly share your portfolio with user's connected networks through post collaborations.

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Discover your personal network's untapped opportunities.